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Top Pillow Cases for Cancer Patients in 2022

Do Silk Pillowcases provide Comfort during Chemotherapy? Yes, they do! The silk pillowcase provides comfort for patients undergoing chemotherapy treatments. During chemotherapy, patients often experience extreme fatigue and discomfort. This makes sleeping difficult, which leads to poor sleep quality. A study conducted at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center found that using a…

Top 7 Best Pillows for Chiari Malformation

What Are Chiari Malformations? A Chiari malformation is a condition where cerebrospinal fluid collects in the lower part of the brain. This causes pressure on the brainstem, which may cause symptoms such as headaches, neck pain, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, hearing loss, vision changes, balance issues, numbness/tingling in arms/legs, weakness, seizures, etc. The condition usually occurs…

Top 5 Pillows for Ankylosing Spondylitis

Ankylosing Spondylitis is a chronic form of arthritis that causes pain and stiffness in the spine. The cause of AS is unknown, although genetics may play a role. People who suffer from AS often experience fatigue, back pain, and joint inflammation. During inflammation, the body produces extra calcium around the spine’s bones. This can result…

What Are The Side Effects of Copper Pillows?

Copper pillows are becoming very popular these days because they offer many health benefits. They claim to improve sleep quality and reduce stress levels. Some even say that they can cure insomnia. To be honest, no scientific research has found any side effects of using copper pillows. The reality is quite the opposite. Using copper…

How to Sleep on a Wedge Pillow After Shoulder Surgery?

After having shoulder surgery, you should use a wedge pillow for at least 6 months to prevent pain and discomfort. Wedge pillows help reduce stress on the shoulders and neck muscles, which helps prevent muscle spasms and soreness. The best part about using a wedge pillow is that it helps keep your head from falling…

Can You Dry Bamboo Pillows in The Dryer?

Yes, you can dry bamboo pillows in a regular clothes dryer. The best way to do this is to put them inside a pillowcase and then place the pillowcase into the dryer. Keep them inside the dryer for about 20 minutes. If you want to use a pillow protector, then place it inside the dryer…

How to Make Pillows Smell Fresh Without Washing?

Clean Pillows Without Washing Machine Some types of pillows cannot be machine washed, but you can still clean them with the right cleaning products and techniques. For example, suppose you’ve been wondering how to wash pillows by hand. In that case, spot-clean your pillows whenever they get spills or stains on them and freshen them…

How to Clean and Deodorize Pillows with Baking Soda

Baking soda is great for cleaning pillows because it removes odors from them. Mix 1/4 cup baking soda with 2 cups water. Simply sprinkle the mixture onto your pillow case and let sit overnight. Optionally you can add some essential oils, such as lavender oil or lemon, for a pleasant scent. The next morning, wash…

Can Head Lice Live on Pillows and Beds?

Yes! It is possible for head lice to survive for a short period of time on pillows, mattresses, bedding, clothing, hair accessories, combs, brushes, and other items used by infested individuals. Lice can also be transmitted from one person to another through close contacts, such as hugging, sleeping together, or sharing personal items like hats,…

Can Cold Sores Spread Through Pillows?

There is a virus called herpes simplex that causes cold sores, which are spread through contact with infected saliva or skin. Pillows can become contaminated with the virus if they come into contact with infected saliva or skin. Still, it is not a very effective method of spreading it. Some unreliable sources also claim that…